September’s Quotable Quotes
By you, the Ridley community!

“I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, I’m a huge loser.” - Mr. Pavan
“Did they not get any females?” - Mr. Lockey
“YOU GOT QUACKED!” - Lexa Hummel
“Haters gonna hate.” - Mr. Martinez
“Did he kill Daddy Duncan?” - Mr. Pavan
“Could we make a double guillotine?” - Charlotte Collins
“You’re cooked! You’re glazed!” - Mrs. Tredway
“It’s suicide prevention month.” - Safiya Ahmed, responding to what heritage month September is
“Look at the Grade 9s just having fun…” “Disgusting.” - Two IB2s in the Iggy Learning Commons
“This graph is straight and stays there just like that one annoying person in your life you can never get rid of.” - Mr. Van Niekerk
“In eight short months, you’ll be on your own and no one will force you to put your phone in a plastic pouch.” - Mrs. O’Rourke
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