October's Horoscopes
By The Tiger Times Head Astrologer

Aries - You will FINALLY finish your uni apps
Taurus - You are starting to only attract positive energy
Gemini - The next sweet treat you eat will be very unsatisfying
Cancer - Your next achievement will be perfecting the chocolate chip cookie
Leo - It’s time to motivate yourself
Virgo - You will finally enter an era of organization
Libra - You will evolve your music taste to something better than before
Scorpio - You will feel a wave of creativity
Sagittarius - You’re finally entering your academic weapon era
Capricorn - You will get a free dipping sauce the next time you order pizza
Aquarius - You will complete anything overdue
Pisces - Your Mario Kart skills will not improve anytime soon
Don’t know your Star Sign? Look below!
Aries: March 21st - April 20th
Taurus: April 21st - May 20th
Gemini: May 21st - June 21st
Cancer: June 22nd - July 22nd
Leo: July 23rd - August 23rd
Virgo: August 24th - September 23rd
Libra: September 24th - October 23rd
Scorpio: October 24th - November 22nd
Sagittarius: November 23rd - December 21st
Capricorn: December 22nd - January 20th
Aquarius: January 21st - February 18th
Pisces: February 19th - March 20th