March's Quotable Quotes
By you, the Ridley community!

What are Quotable Quotes?
The Quotable Quotes are a nod to the old Tiger Tribune! Students used to send in funny lines and sayings that they would hear from around campus. This included quotes from students, teachers, faculty, and those part of our community. The Tiger Times Newspaper Head Editors-in-Chief, Rawnie Sun and Rebecca Liu, have curated some interesting selections for you to enjoy!
“This is just going in one eye and out the other eye” - Lou Vukovic
“Call off the dogs! We’ve had enough” - UCC coach to Ridley’s Second Football
“Journalism is the ability to meet the challenge of filling space” - Rebecca West
“You know you’re pressed for time when you start to do homework on the toilet” - Gavin Milne
“Ask any Ridley student the question ‘How are you’ and ten to one he or she will answer ‘tired’. It seems that at Ridley no one ever gets any sleep” - The Order of Dormir article, October 1986 Tiger Tribune
“WE EAT BLUE MEAT” - Adam Proctor, September 2001 Tiger Tribune
If you enjoyed reading about our past alumni’s silly quotes and want to see what your current friends, classmates, (or even teachers!?) say, email or
Make sure if you do, that the quote is appropriate, you have the person being quoted’s consent, and that a witness can confirm that they actually did say that. We look forward to seeing your quotes!