November Quotable Quotes
By you, the Ridley community!

My entire personality in high school was mooching food off of other people” - Dr. Baird
“We (TOK teachers) cooked up this essay so y’all shall EAT!” - Mr. Pavan
“If it’s all jiggly mush, no.” - Mr. Lockey
“Everything is SO BAD Ria! YIPPEE!” - Rebecca Liu ’25 to Aaria Nair ’26
“Ayai yai gee wah wah! (Actual: Ayayayay chihuahua)” - Mr. Betti
“STOP attracting me to touch you” - Jayden Zhu ’25 to his phone
“I’m going to start WW3 with the wifi here.” - Lexa Hummel ’25
“On some days, some cook. On others, some get cooked!” - Mrs. Tredway
“Oh, I cooked that” - a student after explaining a topic in an ESS tutorial. “Um, it was more like a low simmer” - Mr. Vandenbrink’s response
"Did you get ambushed by a pack of squirrels or something? Did the squirrels attack the belt?” - Mr. Martinez
“You are a positive externality!” - Mr. Kenny to Okey Okafo ’25