Michaelmas Sports Wrap-Up
By Kat Willson '26, Editor-in-Chief; Edited by Sunny (Yu) Zhao '26, Staff Editor

The fourth of November marked the end of the Michaelmas (fall) athletic term and sports awards. At the end of every sports term, Ridley hosts an event to celebrate our competitive athletes. Each team is invited onto the stage, and players are given awards to recognize their achievements that term. All Ridley athletes and coaches work very hard throughout their season, so this is the time for everyone to celebrate their accomplishments.
Congratulations to the following award winners.
First Girls Basketball: Congratulations to Avery Katzmam, Masturah (Nantume) Nantume, and Denise des Vignes for winning their awards.
U16 Girls Basketball: Congratulations on winning CISAA! A second round of congratulations to Sierra Dunkley, the top defensive player, Oluwatoni (Toni) Osamiluyi, the recipient of the rookie of the year award, and Coco Reynolds on winning their awards.
First Girls Field Hockey: Congratulations on making it to OFSAA! Another round of congratulations to Caitlin Ng, the recipient of the Caroline Sherk ‘12 Award for top defensive player, Anisha Ghosh, the recipient for the Most Valuable Player Trophy, Paige MacPhail, and Ella McCourt, the recipient of the Crossingham Trophy for rookie of the year!
Second Girls Field Hockey: Congratulations to Ava Meadows, Victoria Sattarzadeh, and Juliet van Beuningen on winning their awards.
First Boys Soccer: Congratulations to Luca Kucher, Ben Follows, and Filo Marastoni on winning their awards.
U16 Boys Soccer: Congratulations to Killian Greenway, Charles Smith, and Tommy Yu on winning their awards.
First Harriers: Congratulations to Lauren Cressman, Mark Liu, Natalie Simpson, and Felix Chen on winning their awards.
Great job to all the Tigers who participated in a competitive sport this term - you did amazing! Once again, congratulations to U16 Basketball for winning CISAA and First Field Hockey for making OFSAA.