An Evolution of a Character
By Danyi Hu '25, Contributor

This is an illustration I finished last year in December of 2023. In all honesty, the contents of this work do not portray the most amount of detail or showcase complex compositions or even in rendering and lighting. Most of the piece features some element of cell shading, where shadows are drawn in an almost cartoonish style. Despite all this, I highly value what this piece means to me as a person and how it represents my growth in skill and character.

This project was unintentionally started back in 2017 when I was only 11 years old. The drawing is extremely primitive and was one of my first times using any type of digital program to draw. Since I was only 11 at the time, I had no idea about any elements of art such as composition, colour or anatomy. This explains why the character is so painfully centre and small, with an eye-burning blue to go with the background.
The idea to redraw this popped into my head in 2019 after being inspired by people online doing the same thing. It still holds many issues, with my biggest gripe being the obnoxious blue background which had somehow stayed after revisions, but the improvement was visible, with my better understanding of how light and bodies work. It is by no means a well-constructed illustration in terms of technical skill, but it shows my dedication to a simple hobby at the time.
It would be a good idea to redraw this every year to show my improvement after the second one was made. Each year shows an important change in my style, an improvement in anatomy and colour, with the only exception being an almost, but still unfinished piece in 2021. One of the most drastic and important changes in my style was observed in the change from 2019 to 2020 when COVID hit the world and drawing became one of my only pastimes. My style became more simplistic, with a larger focus on how I use colour theory in my drawings. This change in thinking influenced the way I approach drawing from then on.
After I had finished the drawing for 2023, the one I chose to put on the show, I got to thinking about my approach again. The one I had done last year has much more intricate shading and details, while I stayed on the simpler side for my most recent rendition. Though I haven’t asked anyone about it, I feel objectivity could affect each person’s preference between the two. This was an important event to me, as I feel my improvement has plateaued in a way. I do prefer my newest rendition for several reasons including more vibrant colours and harsher contrast, though someone else could easily prefer the softer style in the previous illustration.
For a short while, I started contemplating my approach to the development of my style and skill. I wondered if I should appeal to the wider general audience with a detailed composition, or whether I should stick to my preferences and make what I like. The choice might be obvious to some, but as someone who wants to eventually make a career out of what I started as a hobby, I need to consider the different factors that go into this craft. I never came up with a conclusive answer, at least not yet. For now, all I can do is to try and keep improving and practicing, and I await the day when I can find a balance, and when I continue this for 2024 and beyond.