December and January’s Horoscopes
By Tiger Times Head Astrologer

Aries - You will feel an air of boldness take over you this month
Taurus - Your energy is screaming of the need for a new potted plant
Gemini - You will make a new friend this week
Cancer - You will master the art of a jam tart
Leo - You will finally be turned off of sprite
Virgo - Your sourdough starter will live another week
Libra - Your favourite sports team will horribly lose this week
Scorpio - Your energy says that you will ace your next test
Sagittarius - You will discover something new and sparkly in 4 days
Capricorn - You will soon feel the intense urge to play the harmonica
Aquarius - You will finally decide, gold or silver
Pisces - You will solve the NYT crossword in an hour next week