Clubs in Full Swing!
By Quinn Martindale ’27, Staff Writer; Edited by Safiya Ahmed ’27, Staff Editor

At the end of every September, Ridley puts on one of its most anticipated and exciting events of the year, the co-curricular fair. The fair has displays ranging from Model United Nations to Dungeons and Dragons, with a guaranteed fit for every student. During this time, students are given the exciting opportunity to see a showcase of all the clubs that Ridley has to offer, and club leaders get the chance to set up booths and promote their clubs. This is a big job and one that usually requires hours of preparation. Naomi Cousins ‘27, a co-leader of the STEP Youth Club, provided a leader’s perspective on the fair and insight into the preparation leading up to the event. The STEP Club provides support services, life skills, and counselling for youth aged 14-24 in the Niagara Region. When Naomi was asked what her experience as a club leader at the fair was like, this is what she had to say:
“Leading up to the club fair, there was a large amount of planning involved to make sure everything was ready to run smoothly once we got started. I met with Isabella Massis ’26, the Co-Leader of STEP, to plan out what we wanted to accomplish as a club this year and put together posters of information to share at the fair. Once we got to the fair, everything ran super smoothly, and I was really glad that we did the planning ahead so we could be prepared to answer any questions people had. I really enjoyed sharing our ideas with people interested in joining the club and seeing their interest in helping us execute it. If someone is interested in being involved in a club, either as a leader or member, reach out to those involved or Mr. Tredway. Clubs are always looking for more members, so they would definitely be appreciated. If someone had a new club idea, Mr. Tredway would be the person to go to, and he is very supportive in getting clubs up and running.”
In conclusion, students and teachers alike are looking forward to a full year of clubs ahead. Congratulations to everyone involved in this year’s co-curricular fair and good luck in this year of clubs and activities!