A Run Around the Fire — Snake Dance 2024
By Ava Edghill ’25, Staff Writer; Edited by Isabella Perco ’26, Staff Editor

It’s that time of year again everybody! As opening days concluded and we reached the end of our first week of school, it was time to celebrate with one of Ridley’s most beloved traditions - Snake Dance! This year, Snake Dance took place on Friday, September 13th and was a night full of cheers, laughs, and memories.
Snake Dance is an annual Ridley tradition which occurs on the first Friday of every school year. It is an event for the whole upper school and is definitely the most exciting and anticipated one. The name ‘Snake’ Dance stems from all of the houses running in a ‘snake’ line, picking each other up before they collectively gather for the big night.
Snake Dance begins with everybody getting ready in their houses, cutting up their shirts, and enjoying time with their friends before the big rush. They then head outside to get painted up in black and orange, and even do some house cheer offs! Once photos were taken and cheers were done, it was time for the infamous snake line. The first house off was the boys of AB House running to grab their friends from Merritt House, who then grabbed the South Side girls, ending the snake with the G House girls and Dean’s boys. Everyone then ran to gather around the firepit, cramming for a spot at the front of the barricade, waiting for the big moment to start - anticipation and excitement rushing through the air.
Snake dance to the outside eye might seem a bit…. unusual, but to the Ridley community, it is everything. It is a longstanding tradition which involves the Prefects and House Captains coming together to light a huge fire, signifying a start to the new school year. As the House Captains lit their tiki torches and assembled around the quad together, the prefects walked in unison to light their own sticks. Once the sticks were lit, the Prefects were off to the sound of “Hells Bells,” walking into the fire pit. In one flicker of a moment, the fire was ablaze and screams and cheers from the students could be heard from miles away. The Prefects ran around the fire to a mashup of songs whilst everyone watched and cheered in awe. Once the music died down, it was time for the house cheer off! It is hard to say who was the loudest as everyone was just so excited! The same goes for school cheers. ‘Deep in the Heart’ is definitely a fan favourite, making it a highlight of the night and a moment to remember.
Every year, snake dance concludes with an extravagant firework show which lights up St.Catharines, along with the faces of Ridley students. People gathered around to watch the show and enjoy this moment with their friends - taking photos, smiling, and reminiscing on the night together. Back in their houses, everyone was met with a pizza party. The remnants of the night was paint splattered on the ground, last sparks of the fire, and the feeling of joy and wonder spread around campus.